Primary Data Collection in Africa

Webhaptic Intelligence is a market research company that focuses to a specific and clearly defined part of the procedure of primary data collection in Africa.

primary data collection in AfricaQuantitative Research
Quantitative is the kind of research that is based on the data collection from a big sample of respondents, in order to measure the market tendencies and understand consumers’ behaviours. There are different kinds of researches such as face to face, door to door, hall tests etc. With the help of the our data collection tool we design applications for surveys, inspections and other data driven processes. The applications are uploaded on tablets in order to collect data with an offline app.

Qualitative Research
Qualitative is the kind of research that is based on In-depth interviews in order to analyze the respondents‘ opinion/knowledge of a certain product/service. The most common kinds of qualitative research are focus groups and in-depth interviews

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