Face-to-Face Interviews in Botswana

Webhaptic Intelligence offers quality and precise face-to-face interviews in Botswana A face-to-face interview is a data collection method when the interviewer directly communicates with the respondent in accordance with the prepared questionnaire. This method enables us to acquire factual information, consumer evaluations, attitudes, preferences, and other information coming out during the conversation with the respondent. Thus, the face-to-face interview method ensures the quality of the obtained data and increases the response rate.

A face-to-face standardized / semi-standardized interview is a quantitative research tool. Therefore, it is applied in national or certain region population inquiries, consumer, and customer or reader surveys. Furthermore, this method is practiced when performing Omnibus and Ad Hoc researches.
The face-to-face interview, also called an in-person interview, is probably the most popular and oldest form of survey data collection. It has continued to be the best form of data collection when one wants to minimize nonresponse and maximize the quality of the data collected. Face-to-face interviews are often used to solicit information in projects that can be considered to be very sensitive, for example, data collection on sexual behaviors. This entry describes the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face interviewing along with basic operational considerations for successful interviews.
At Webhaptic Intelligence, Face to Face Interview is one of our forte

To obtain a quote or proposal for Face-to-Face Interviews in Botswana, send an email to info@webhaptic.com or complete the form below.