In-Depth Interviews
Depth interviews capture rich, intensive, and descriptive data
There are situations where you need more than just numbers, instead, you need detailed information about someone’s behaviour, thoughts, and opinions. Webhaptic Intelligence conducts in-depth Interviews across Africa.
Relaxed Atmosphere
Depth interviews can provide much more detailed information than would be possible through quantitative surveys. They also offer a more relaxed data collection atmosphere – the interview can almost become an informal conversation which can help draw out key information.
Depth interviews can be used in situations where a focus group would be inappropriate. for example, where potential participants would be uncomfortable talking openly in a group environment or where it is important to be able to distinguish between respondents
Our Depth Interviewers are experienced in the particular challenges that can be posed, i.e. the interviewer needs to be able listen and then adapt the next question based on the information offered by the respondent, i.e. it is a guided conversation rather than a fixed set of questions, and it has an emphasis on open rather than closed questions.
We conduct depth interviews for both Business to Consumer, and Business to Business projects.
To obtain a quote or proposal to conduct In-depth Interviews in Africa, send an email to or complete the form below.