Focus Groups in Cotonou

Focus groups in Cotonou, Benin can be quite complex for intentional organizations with no roots in the country. Having an indigenous firm on the ground to meet and relate with people in their indigenous languages and environment makes data collection easier

One of the many challenges faced by international companies while conducting Focus groups in Cotonou is the lack of reliable and transparent data about their market. Although Europeans and Americans rely on a multitude of secondary data sources to obtain information in their domestic markets, understanding your local market requires you to get as close as possible to the actual consumer. Focus groups, consumer roundtables, and workshops are some of the most executed methodologies by Webhaptic Intelligence to collect these first-hand consumer insights.

Focus groups are discussions comprised of 6 to 10 people that usually last two to three hours. It is a form of qualitative research. Webhaptic Intelligence leverages focus groups in Africa to gain information about Warri’s consumers’ feelings, opinions, and perceptions. The following analysis aims at mapping attitudes, motivations, and decision criteria of Warri consumers.

Webhaptic Intelligence offers full-service focus group setups in Cotonou, including:

  • Screening and recruitment of participants
  • Creation of the discussion guide
  • Facilities and logistic setup
  • Moderation and execution of the focus group with trained staff
  • Simultaneous translation of the discussion in your native language
  • Transcript and translation of the exact dialogue into your native language
  • Analysis and reporting of the findings

Our team has extensive experience in focus group organization in various sectors such as:

  • Cotonou market entry plan
  • Product development and adaptation
  • Branding, advertising, and marketing
  • Distribution structure
  • Value proposition

To obtain a quote or proposal for focus groups in Cotonou send an email to or complete the form below.