Central Location Test
Central Location Test in Nigeria: A central location test or interview is a quantitative method of market research and is conducted in a specialty-adapted facility where a larger group of respondents can gather and participate in the survey. Our Central Location Test in Nigeria allows brands to get their products and campaigns in front of consumers so they can gather rich insights to inform and optimize the development process. It is the practical way of implementing the survey which ensures high-quality results and offers the key advantage of Face to Face interview which is ideal for conducting many tests like the introduction of a new or modified product.
Webhaptic Intelligence with its team of highly trained and experienced professionals has successfully conducted Central location testing in Nigeria.
We implement high-quality and quick services to let the clients know the feedback about the new or modified product launch, concept checking, designs, and efficacy of the product or effectiveness of the scientific promotion aids and commercials. We have conducted the following research using Central location tests:
- Products test
- Scientific promotion aids the effectiveness
- Packaging tests
- Sensory testing
- Concept test
Many different types of central location testing methods can be applied to glean valuable insights and actionable intelligence. Here are five of the most common:
Monadic Test: Each participant focuses on just one product. The objective is to determine if that product will be accepted by consumers when introduced in the marketplace.
Paired Comparison Test: Each participant is shown two products at the same time, and asked to compare them based on a set of standardized criteria to generate relative rankings.
Sequential-Monadic Test: Each participant assesses two products separately (similar to a monadic test), and then when that process is done, re-evaluates them together to generate relative rankings (similar to a paired-comparison test). This test is often used to neutralize the natural tendency among many participants to exaggerate differences when they only compare two products at the same time.
Proto-Monadic Test: This is similar to the Sequential-Monadic Test, but with a major difference: participants are not asked to evaluate the second product independently. For example, a participant is asked to assess product #1 by itself and then asked to compare/contrast product A and product B. Researchers rotate which product is assessed independently so that at the end of the process they have 50 percent of respondents who assessed product A by itself and compared product A and product B, and 50% who assessed product B by itself and compared product B and product B.
Repeat Paired Comparison Test: Participants compare the same pair of products two or more times. The reason for this repetition is to increase the confidence that feedback was not random, or based on initial impressions (e.g. if a participant is not fond of the color yellow and the product being assessed comes in a yellow package, their initial response might be strongly negative; however, after assessing the same product again later on, they may look past the subjective dislike and focus on other aspects that are more relevant to researchers, such as whether the product is functional, delivers on its promises, tastes good, etc.).
We have successfully assisted our clients in conducting central location tests in Nigeria.
To obtain a quote for a central location test in Nigeria, send an email to info@webhaptic.com or complete the form below.