Quantitative Research Services

Webhaptic Intelligence is rated the best among quantitative research agencies in Nigeria. We use quantitative market research methods to find out how many people think or act in a particular way. Our coverage bears no boundaries, whether Nigerian or other West African countries, we make it our business to provide flexible and cost-effective solutions.

We produce hard facts and statistics to help you make accurate business decisions. To get reliable statistical results, it’s important to make sure they are a representative sample of your target market. With years of experience, we know how to design a sample frame and target even your hardest-to-reach segments

For quantitative surveys, sample sizes can range from 50 to several thousand. The recommended sample size depends on:

  • What level of accuracy does your survey need to meet your objectives? Generally, we’ll agree with you in advance what would be a ‘good’ or a ‘poor’ result and therefore what an appropriate sample size would be.
  • The number of sub-groups within the data to be analysed.
  • Your budget. Often a survey’s objectives need to be defined in the light of the money available.

We offer a complete range of customised research solutions:

  • Advertising Pre-Testing
  • Advertising Effectiveness Measurement Post Launch – Both One-Off And Tracking
  • Product Testing
  • Concept Testing
  • New Product Research, Including Volume Estimation
  • Customer Satisfaction Measurement
  • Trade Satisfaction Measurement
  • Employee Satisfaction Measurement
  • Brand Health Measurement and Tracking
  • Package Testing
  • Database Building

Data quality is essential for us to be able to tell the story of the consumer and answer the business question. But in this day and age of shorter attention spans and more time pressures it’s important that we be creative in our use of survey design to get to this quality data.

Our team conduct high-quality research is our expertise in finding the story from that data and being able to tell that story in an easily digestible way to all audiences and stakeholders. That is why Webhaptic Intelligence is the go-to quantitative research company in Nigeria for the world’s most prominent brands across a range of sectors.

For clients not requiring a full market research service, Webhaptic Intelligence is among the cost-effective quantitative research agencies in Nigeria, allowing analysis and interpretation client side. We serve the world’s largest and respected companies and agencies as well as smaller, entrepreneurial firms representing an array of industries and business sectors.

To find out about we can help our with your quantitative research projects, send an email to lagos@webhaptic.com or call +234 8034915553